Looking for Arete > Participate

Looking for Arete participants are athletes, oracles, makers and sages who are generously allowing me to create art about their arete.

They are helping me better understand my own arete (recognizing, creating, and sharing moments of beauty). And they are giving me a clearer lens of what it means, to live (beautifully) in this (often not-so-pretty) world.

Each Looking for Arete participant receives a personal artwork from me (and others) as a gift.

The presented artworks act as reminders (of their striving) and mementos (for their participation). Other people can participate in the project by helping me give these gifts away.

For Invited Participants

Please ask yourself: Should I participate?

You: Yes
Me: Thank you for trusting in possibility! Contact me and we’ll begin discussing what your involvement can look like.

You: Not Sure
Me: You may need more information to make your decision. Please reach out so we can talk further.

You: No
Me: Thank you for considering the project. I wish you all the best! I’ll continue to be amazed by your arete, albeit from afar.

For People Who Are Not Invited Participants

Please ask yourself: Why am I interested in this project?

You: Because I am connected to a project participant.
Me: Please join me in giving them an artwork as a gift. It's a very personal way to acknowledge their awe-inspiring arete.

You: Because I know someone with arete.
Me: Please, name drop away!

You: Because I have the ways and means to support your studio practice.
Me: Thank you, I graciously accept! See Support Arete for options.

You: Um...I'm actually not that interested...
Me: Hey, different strokes for different folks. Thank you for considering the project thus far.


And...which one are you (mostly)?

Athlete: your arete is physical
Oracle: your arete is spiritual
Maker: your arete is creative
Sage: your arete is intellectual